2024/2025 Village Property Taxes are currently being collected now through JULY 1st without penalty. For more information or to pay online click here.

Forms and Applications

July 14, 2022

Commercial Property Owner
Condominium Representatives
Phase One of the Sewer District
Westhampton Beach

Dear Sir or Madam:
The Village of Westhampton Beach is pleased to notify you that Phase One of the Sewer District is nearing completion. At this time, individual property "house connections" have been installed as per the approved plans. With the adoption of Local Law 5-2022 on July 5, 2022, the requirements and process for connection to the public sewer have been codified. Full text of the Sewer Code is available on the Village's website, or may be reviewed at Village Hall and/or emailed to you upon request.

For success of the sewer treatment system and ongoing environmental concerns, it is recommended that you begin the process to connect your building(s) to the public sewer. Enclosed is an application for connection. There is no fee for filing with the Village nor is there a fee for filing with the Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW) Sewer Agency, however you will be responsible for the design and installation of the piping with associated site restoration from your building(s) to your provided house connection or manhole including the abandonment or repurposing of your existing on-site sanitmy system.

Applications will be handled on a first come, first serve basis, with the hope that all properties with public sewer availability will connect in a timely fashion. Be advised that there are Code prescriptive penalties for not pursuing connection, but you will be duly notified prior to the commencement of any such action. Again, it is our hope you will begin the process of connecting for the public and private benefits of utilizing public sewer to responsibly treat wastewater and return treated, clean water to the aquifer.

Please feel free to contact the Building & Zoning Department to verify your property's eligibility or if you have any questions or comments.

Building & Zoning Administrator

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